
Now a days we see the cyber attacks on government servers .The cyberspace is highly vulnerable to attacks, and is a major concern for national security. The government is conscious of the shortcomings in its cyberspace. Hence, it's performing on its own OS for advanced protection of networks and private computers. In the recent past, there have been several severe attacks by Chinese hackers on key government websites, which exposed important government data. These websites are needed fully secure network for the protection . BOSS is based on codes that are unique to its system, which makes it safe and secure .The OS has been said to be developed to replace Microsoft's Windows and other OS’s from government computers and systems in future. If this happens, it will reduce government's dependency on other OS’s .With this OS in use, data surveillance would become much easier for government agencies and bodies, as they may have the access to all or any kinds of content and data that are accessed on this OS. Considering that this OS has been developed under government's guidelines, it'll let the government regulate social networking sites. This is made possible by the development of indigenous projects by various IT giants and government sector. These private and public sectors are investing in FOSS (Free and Open Source Software) projects to fulfill their routine needs by customizing the normal FOSS projects like LINUX to suit their own domestic environment.

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