
Let \({\mathfrak {g}}\) be a simple complex Lie algebra. In this paper we study the BGG category \({\mathcal {O}}_q\) for the quantum group \(U_q({\mathfrak {g}})\) with q being a root of unity in a field K of characteristic \(p >0\). We first consider the simple modules in \({\mathcal {O}}_q\) and prove a Steinberg tensor product theorem for them. This result reduces the problem of determining the corresponding irreducible characters to the same problem for a finite subset of finite dimensional simple modules. Then we investigate more closely the Verma modules in \({\mathcal {O}}_q\). Except for the special Verma module, which has highest weight \(-\rho \), they all have infinite length. Nevertheless, we show that each Verma module has a certain finite filtration with an associated strong linkage principle. The special Verma module turns out to be both simple and projective/injective. This leads to a family of projective modules in \({\mathcal {O}}_q\), which are also tilting modules. We prove a reciprocity law, which gives a precise relation between the corresponding family of characters for indecomposable tilting modules and the family of characters of simple modules with antidominant highest weights. All these results are of particular interest when \(q = 1\), and we have paid special attention to this case.

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