
We consider scattering amplitudes in string models in the Regge limit of high energies and fixed momentum transfers with the use of the unitarity in direct channels. Intermediate states are taken in the multi-Regge kinematics corresponding to the production of resonances with fixed invariant masses and large relative rapidities. In QCD such kinematics leads to the BFKL equation for the pomeron wave function in the leading logarithmic approximation. We derive a similar equation in the string theory and discuss its properties. The purpose of this investigation is to find a generalization of the BFKL approach to the region of small momentum transfers where non-perturbative corrections to the gluon Regge trajectory and reggeon couplings are essential. The BFKL equation in the string theory contains additional contributions coming from a linear part of the Regge trajectory and from the soft pomeron singularity appearing already in the tree approximation. In higher dimensions in addition, a non-multi-Regge kinematics corresponding to production of particles with large masses is important. We solve the equation for the pomeron wave function in the string theory for D = 4 and discuss integrability properties of analogous equations for composite states of several reggeized gluons in the multi-colour limit.maren.stein@desy.de.

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