
Face perception is an essential and significant problem in pattern recognition, concretely including Face Recognition (FR), Facial Expression Recognition (FER), and Race Categorization (RC). Though handcrafted features perform well on face images, Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNNs) have brought new vitality to this field recently. Vanilla DCNNs are powerful at learning high-level semantic features, but are weak in capturing low-level image characteristic changes in illumination, intensity, and texture regarded as key traits in facial processing and feature extraction, which is alternatively the strength of human-designed feature descriptors. To integrate the best of both worlds, we proposed novel Random Pixel Difference Convolution (RPDC) which is efficient alternatives to vanilla convolutional layers in standard CNNs and can promote to extract discriminative and diverse facial features. By means of searched RPDC of high efficiency, we build S-RaPiDiNet, and achieve promising and extensive experiment results in FR ( $\approx 0.5$ % improvement), FER (over 1% growth), and RC (0.25%–3% increase) than baseline network in vanilla convolution, showing strong generalization of RPDC.


  • ClutterIllunination ConditionsDataset: BUPT-Xface+RFWBaseline CDCN S-RaPiDiNet Network Resnet18Acc

  • EXPERIMENTS To verify, we explore the performance of Random Pixel Difference Convolution (RPDC) for various tasks covering race categorization (RC), facial expression recognition (FER), and face recognition (FR)

  • The exact pixel pairing rules for convolution layers in the network are randomly sampled as candidate Difference Pairing Configurations (DPC), we grid search to tune them as hyperparameters, and we only illustrate the performance of the network in certain sampled difference pairing configurations in the result section

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As is well-known, face conveys rich key non-verbal information, are usually semantically meaningful. By virtue of its low computational burden, Yang et al [6] used LBP features for demographic research, covering ethnicity categorization It principally employs the Chi-square distance metric on obtained features to produce a powerful classifier, achieving an error rate of 3.01% on a binary dataset with 11,680 Asian and 1,016 non-Asian faces. To this end, Zhang et al [32] advanced LBP to multi-scale and multi-ratio version, and integrated the features extracted from 2D intensity face images and corresponding 3D range face images for classification, working out an error rate of 0.42% on the two leading ethnicity groups (i.e., Asia and White) from the FRGC v2 database

C One filter for convolution
RACE CATEGORIZATION Experimental Details
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