
Isoprene as a bio-molecule may the simplest non-protein enzyme that spoiling pathogens and this Isoprene synthesis mostly by all the phytoplankton and specific terrestrial plants are mere environmentally supported resists diseases. Along with Isoprene all essential long chain Fatty acids and oils too are environmentally controlled bio-molecules that immensely protecting the diseases-prone of all the proteins, hence we say that the stated this concept as beyond the central dogma and unavoidable in long years to come to save the esteem mankind. According to the classical and principle studies natural migrations with temperature may help to achieve a longer or shorter life-spans according to temperature related bonding of molecular biochemistry and again isoprene, fats and oils environmentally protect them. Prevailing of pathogenic found linearity in relations to temperature and nitrogen sources or protein sources in respective hosts. In cool temperature peptide-bonds remains relatively cohesive in freezing and cool temperature, hence individual life-span can become more in cooler climate which prevail in higher altitudes. There are principles, lowering temperature, or else lowering protein-rich diets may make individual life-span extendable and worthy. A higher protein may invite many diseases in tropical climate and hence we advise to follow specific Amino-acids’ therapy to the mankind. We observe that all herbivore species remain diseases-less compare to carnivore species and also diseases in cold waters fisheries far lower than warm waters. In animal kingdom most fishes migrate towards the low temperature to gain a longer life-spans, whereas shellfishes, crabs or insects may migrate to higher temperature to softening their peptides and new births.

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