
Aspects of theory surrounding both narrative and reception of film is examined and interrogated. The structural analysis offered by Propp, among other theorists, and insights of psychoanalysis are considered to rework the Oedipal scenario. This paper draws on ideas around transgression and refers to aspects of Oedipus’s life which are largely ignored as the focus of psychic scenario. The narratives of two films. On the Wire and Mississippi Masala are examined in relation to contradictions surrounding their reception.


  • Aspects o f theory surrounding both narrative and reception o f film is examined and interrogated

  • Mulvey’s later writings began to explore the Oedipal scenario anew, an attem pt that opens up interesting spaces and understandings very different from the polem ic offered by "Visual

  • The retelling that Freud considered the compulsion to repeat is evident here too. These understandings I believe are useful for an examination for the type of films that I referred to in the beginning. In both Mississippi Masala and On the Wire the openings offer moments of stasis, while the middle sections explore the areas of potential disruption and excess

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Theories around narrative and film

A narrative is a chain o f events in cause-effect relationship occurring in tim e. Bordwell’s description offers a position from which we can begin to examine film narrative and which enables narrative to be seen structurally with what constitutes the beginning, the middle section and the ending Crucial to such an understanding of narrative is the notion of cause and effect within this structured action, and of characters as the movers of the action, the force that directs and motivates this chain of events. Propp found that he was able to distill these narrative events to thirty-one He noted that certain kinds of functions always occurred at the same stage of the story, for example the interdiction always near the beginning (com pare T odorov’s disruption), w hereas the villain would only be punished towards the conclusion. The im plications of this type of narrative will be drawn out when looking at notions suggested by Lacan, Barthes and other theorists describing narrative

Psychoanalysis and the audience
G endered spectatorship
Order and disorder
Between the beginning and the end?
The films
On the Wire
Mississippi Masala
10. Conclusion
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