
The implementation of equality and antidiscrimination strategies in Polish intelligence and counterintelligence institutions has lagged behind the rise in the number of female functionaries serving in them. Women in the Polish secret services are exposed to systemic prejudices and stereotypes that are rooted in a patriarchal mentality and in so-called muscular thinking. The underrepresentation of women in top management and leadership positions continues to be a barrier for women seeking careers in military and civilian agencies. Due to the hermetic and hierarchical character of such institutions and the predominance of men in them, organized promotion of gender diversity is very important. This is nonetheless related to the issue of tokenism, which leads to the informal isolation of women and to role encapsulation. The position of women in a male-dominated environment is undermined by the behavior patterns established by culture and the biological features attributed to the female body and to femininity. Changes have been initiated by women networking in Polish security institutions, but this is a gradual process.

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