
1. Back to the Future: A Look at the Second Wave of Feminist Epistemology and Methodology Mary Margaret Fonow and Judith A. Cook 2. The Man of Professional Wisdom Kathryn Pyne Addelson 3. Learning from the Outsider Within: The Sociological Significance of Black Feminist Thought Patricia Hill Collins 4. WomenOs Research or Feminist Research? The Debate Surrounding Feminist Science and Methodology Maria Mies 5. Quantitative and Qualitative Methods in the Social Sciences: Current Feminist Issues and Practical Strategies Toby Epstein Jayaratne and Abigail J. Stewart 6. Race and Class Bias in Qualitative Research on Women Lynn Weber Cannon, Elizabeth Higginbotham, and Marianne L.A. Leung 7. Researching the WomenOs Movement: We Make Our Own History, But Not Just As We Please Verta Taylor and Leila J. Rupp 8. Objectivity and Truth: Problems in Doing Feminist Research Joan Acker, Kate Barry, and Johanna Esseveld 9. Separate but Equivalent: Equal Pay for Work of Comparable Worth Ronnie Steinberg and Lois Haignere 10. The Different Worlds of Women and Men: Attitudes toward Pornography and Responses to Not a Love Story-A Film about Pornography Pauline B. Bart, Linda N. Freeman, and Peter Kimball 11. Household Resources and U.S. Womens Work: Factors Affecting Gainful Employment at the Turn of the Century Christine E. Bose 12. Women in Agriculture: Counting the Labor Force in Developing Countries Ruth Dixon-Mueller 13. Coauthorship, Gender, and Publication among Sociologists Kathryn B. Ward and Linda Grant 14. Feminist Research, Feminist Consciousness, the Experiences of Sexism Liz Stanley and Sue Wise 15. Sharing Feminist Research with Popular Audiences: The Book Tour Laurel Richardson Contributors Index

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