
β-decay half-lives set the time scale of the rapid neutron capture process, and are therefore essential for understanding the origin of heavy elements in the universe. The random-phase approximation (RPA) based on Skyrme energy density functionals is widely used to calculate the properties of Gamow-Teller (GT) transitions, which play a dominant role in β-decay half-lives. However, the RPA model has its limitations in reproducing the resonance width and often overestimates β-decay half-lives. To overcome these problems, effects beyond mean-field can be included on top of the RPA model. In particular, this can be obtained by taking into account the particle-vibration coupling (PVC). Within the RPA+PVC model, we successfully reproduce the experimental GT resonance width and β-decay half-lives in magic nuclei. We then extend the formalism to superfluid nuclei and apply it to the GT resonance in 120Sn, obtaining a good reproduction of the experimental strength distribution. The effect of isoscalar pairing is also discussed.

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