
The previous chapter ended with the publication of Karl Marx in 1938. This was to be Korsch’s last major work, although until 1946 he continued to write a certain number of articles each year, but no more books. Thereafter, he published very little, his last article appearing in 1954, seven years before his death. This whole period covers twenty-three years, longer than that between What is Socialisation? (1919) and Karl Marx (1938), yet to deal with it fully requires a much shorter chapter than any previous one. Why was this period so barren? There are, I feel, two main reasons for this: the difficulties he encountered in emigration, and the lack of an influential Marxist movement during his years in the USA. I shall deal with these factors before examining his writings of this period.KeywordsMajor WorkClass StruggleSocialist PartyPolitical FormMarxist TheoryThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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