
Collaborative machine learning settings such as federated learning can be susceptible to adversarial interference and attacks. One class of such attacks is termed model inversion attacks , characterised by the adversary reverse-engineering the model into disclosing the training data. Previous implementations of this attack typically only rely on the shared data representations, ignoring the adversarial priors, or require that specific layers are present in the target model, reducing the potential attack surface. In this work, we propose a novel context-agnostic model inversion framework that builds on the foundations of gradient-based inversion attacks, but additionally exploits the features and the style of the data controlled by an in-the-network adversary. Our technique outperforms existing gradient-based approaches both qualitatively and quantitatively across all training settings, showing particular effectiveness against the collaborative medical imaging tasks. Finally, we demonstrate that our method achieves significant success on two downstream tasks: sensitive feature inference and facial recognition spoofing.

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