
Nonhormonal medications and complementary and alternative therapies are used by many women seeking relief from bothersome hot flashes. However, health care professionals may be less familiar with these treatment modalities. Although estrogen remains the most effective medication to reduce hot flashes, its potential harmful effects have led investigators to examine other treatments for hot flashes, and many women seek alternative forms of relief. Most of these trials are limited by a significant placebo effect, which frequently equals the effectiveness of the medication being evaluated. Despite this limitation, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), serotonin norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors (SNRIs), and gabapentin have robust evidence for hot flash reduction. Each of these may be chosen for additional treatment effects that may benefit some women. Complementary and alternative medication trials are fraught with additional limitations, namely, a large placebo effect, greater homogeneity of participants, lack of validated tools, and lack of robust reporting of adverse effects. The data appear most robust for isoflavone supplementation, with overall hot flash reduction similar to the SSRIs, SNRIs, and gabapentin. Mindfulness-based stress reduction therapy also has evidence of effectiveness and may be an ideal choice for some. Primrose oil, Chinese herbal medicine, acupuncture, and yoga have mixed results. The concerns related to hepatotoxicity preclude the use of black cohosh. Exercise, relaxation, and paced respiration have no proven benefit thus far in reducing hot flashes. Our goal with this commentary is to arm clinicians with information about the medications and complementary therapies available to provide symptom relief to women. Providing information about the possible benefits and harms of these therapies despite the limitations of the current evidence is helpful to patients and can help guide them to seek the treatment option most beneficial and appealing to them.

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