
As we now progress in the field of bariatric surgery, improving methods and fine tuning operative procedures, we witness many benefits. Fewer complications, shorter hospital stays, and more evidence of successful weight loss consistently appear in the statistics that have been accumulated through years of research. The information accumulated through years of research. The information provided, continues to verify that surgery is the most viable treatment for morbid obesity. There is minimal literature, however, that addresses the emotional issues faced by the patients who have undergone bariatric procedures. Postoperatively we may find at intervals of 3 months, 6 months, and even 1 or more years, a patient struggling to deal with their identity. The resolution or improvements of various medical anomalies, may seem insignificant as the patient now begins to focus on emotional and physical changes. Their bodies' new shape may create distressing personal concerns. Family members may also struggle with these psychological and physical changes. The surgery has forced the patient to deal with the loss of a love that is not easily replaced, the love of food. These, all too frequently, are the actual postoperative complications, co-morbidity changes, and weight loss, most importantly, we must also understand our responsibility to address the patients' emotional well-being. While indicating our concerns for the psychological as well as physiological recovery, the patient may then realize a healthier transition into life beyond bariatric surgery.

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