
Recent work suggests that views of aging (VOA; a meta-construct reflective of individuals' aging-related thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and experiences) fluctuate within persons in day-to-day life. This study characterized the extent of daily variability in VOA and explored differences in variability patterns based on measure to enhance understanding of the dynamic nature of VOA. An online sample of 122 adults aged 26-78 years completed multiple measures of VOA (subjective age, age group identity, aging attitudes, implicit theories of aging, awareness of age-related losses or gains) on each of 7 consecutive days. We partitioned variance in responses to each measure at the person level and day level to assess between-person and within-person variability, respectively. Between-person variability accounted for most of the total observed variation in VOA, whereas within-person variability accounted for a smaller amount. Different measures exhibited different ratios of between-person to within-person variation, with the lowest ratios observed for subjective age. Exploration of potential differences between age groups also suggests lower ratios in younger compared to older adults. Analyses suggest relative stability in daily measures of VOA over a 1-week period. Further study of measures (and age groups) showing greater within-person variability (evidenced by lower ratios of between-person to within-person variation) can increase understanding about constructs with greater sensitivity to fluctuating contexts. It can also inform future work linking VOA to other phenomenon in daily life.

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