
For every finite graph Γ $\Gamma$ , we define a simplicial complex associated to the outer automorphism group of the right-angled Artin group (RAAG) A Γ $A_\Gamma$ . These complexes are defined as coset complexes of parabolic subgroups of Out 0 ( A Γ ) $\operatorname{Out}^0(A_\Gamma )$ and interpolate between Tits buildings and free factor complexes. We show that each of these complexes is homotopy Cohen–Macaulay and in particular homotopy equivalent to a wedge of d $d$ -spheres. The dimension d $d$ can be read off from the defining graph Γ $\Gamma$ and is determined by the rank of a certain Coxeter subgroup of Out 0 ( A Γ ) $\operatorname{Out}^0(A_\Gamma )$ . To show this, we refine the decomposition sequence for Out 0 ( A Γ ) $\operatorname{Out}^0(A_\Gamma )$ established by Day–Wade, generalise a result of Brown concerning the behaviour of coset posets under short exact sequences and determine the homotopy type of free factor complexes associated to relative automorphism groups of free products.


  • Given a simplicial graph Γ, the associated right-angled Artin group (RAAG) AΓ is the group generated by the vertex set of Γ subject to the relations [v, w] = 1 whenever v and w are adjacent

  • In addition to Theorem A, we show that CC(O, P(O)) has the following properties which indicate that it is a reasonable analogue of Tits buildings and free factor complexes: Properties of CC(O, P(O))

  • The rank of C is an invariant of the conjugacy class [B]. It is called the corank of [B] and will be denoted by crk[B]. We study these relative free factor complexes because they can be described as coset complexes of parabolic subgroups: Let

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In order to prove Theorem A, we are lead to study relative versions of it, namely we have to consider the case where O is not given by all of Out0(AΓ), but rather by a relative outer automorphism group O = Out0(AΓ; G, Ht) as defined by Day and Wade [DW] (for the definitions, see Section 5.1 and Section 5.2) This is why we prove all of the results mentioned in this introduction in that more general setting.

Posets and their realisations
Fibre theorems
Spherical complexes and their joins
The Cohen–Macaulay property
Background and relation between poset and complex
Higher Generation
Group actions and detecting coset complexes
Short exact sequences
Coset posets and short exact sequences
Coset complexes and short exact sequences
The base cases
Relative free factor complexes
The associated poset of graphs
Relative automorphism groups and relative Outer space
Parabolic subgroups and relative free factor complexes
The associated complex of free splittings
Homotopy type of relative free factor complexes
Relative automorphism groups of RAAGs
RAAGs and their automorphism groups
Generators of relative automorphism groups
Restriction and projection homomorphisms
Generators of image and kernel
Relative orderings in image and kernel
Stabilisers in image and kernel
Restrictions to conical subgroups
Rank and maximal parabolic subgroups
The parabolic sieve
Coset complexes of conical RAAGs
Proof of Theorem A
Consequences for the induction of Day–Wade
String of diamonds
Parabolic subgroups of lower rank
Interpretation of rank in terms of Coxeter groups
Closing comments and open questions
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