
Robust physical mobility is the key to healthy independent aging. Although the association between socioeconomic status and health is well documented, it is unclear whether there is a relationship between mobility and income, because income data are not readily available. (1) Do individuals with better mobility have higher incomes? (2) Does maintaining mobility over time allow individuals to keep working? (3) Is exercise associated with higher mobility over time? We obtained longitudinal income and health data from the nationally representative Health and Retirement Study. Three cohorts were used. First, we studied the relationship between household income and mobility (on a 6-point index of walking impairment) in 19,430 adults who were assessed in 2016 (representing 93% of the 20,805-person total cohort). We measured the association of mobility and household income in a multivariate linear regression analysis of age, gender, health conditions, and education. We then identified a second group of 1094 individuals with unrestricted mobility in the year 2000 and compared differences in income and working rates between those who maintained mobility and those who lost mobility after 10 years. Finally, we identified a third group of 7063 individuals who were 60 to 80 years old in 2012, divided the group by how often they engaged in exercise, and observed differences in mobility after 4 years. After adjusting for covariates, a drop of one level of mobility was associated with a USD 3410 reduction in annual household income (95% CI USD 2890 to USD 3920; p < 0.001). After 10 years, individuals who maintained their mobility had incomes that were USD 6500 higher than that of individuals who were not working (95% CI USD 2300 to USD 10,300; p < 0.001) and were more likely to be working (40% versus 34.5%; p < 0.001). Exercising at least once per week was associated with better mobility 4 years later (mobility score 4.46 ± 0.08 versus 3.66 ± 0.08; p < 0.001). Better mobility was associated with more than USD 3000 in annual income. Regular exercise and other interventions that improve mobility may have meaningful returns on investment. Because greater mobility is strongly associated with higher income, orthopaedic interventions may be undervalued.

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