
Recently, pre-trained language models achieve extraordinary performance on numerous benchmarks. By learning the general language knowledge from a large pre-train corpus, the language models could fit for a specific downstream task with a relatively small amount of labeled training data in the fine-tuning stage. More remarkably, the GPT-3 with 175 B parameters performs well in specific tasks by leveraging natural-language prompts and few demonstrations of the task. Inspired by the success of GPT-3, we desire to know whether smaller language models could still have a similarly few-shot learning ability. Unlike the various delicately designed tasks in previous few-shot learning research works, we do it more practically. We present a question-answering-based method to help the language model better understand the text classification task by concatenating a label-related question to each candidate sentence. By leveraging the label-related language knowledge, which the language model has learned during the pre-trained stage, our QA model can outperform the traditional binary and multi-class classification approaches over both English and Chinese datasets. Afterward, we test our QA model by performing few-shot learning experiments on multiple pre-trained language models of different sizes that range from the DistilBERT to the RoBERTa-large. We are surprised to find that even the DistilBERT, which is the smallest language model we tested with only 66 M parameters, still holds undeniable few-shot learning ability. Moreover, the RoBERTa-large with 355 M parameter could achieve a remarkable high accuracy rate of 92.18% with only 100 labeled training data. This result gives people a practical guideline that when a new category of labeled data is needed, only as few as 100 data need to be labeled. Then cooperate with an appropriate pre-training model and classification algorithm, reliable classification results can be obtained. Even without any labeled training data, that is, under the zero-shot learning setup, the RoBERTa-large still achieves a solid accuracy rate of 84.84%. Our code is available at https://github.com/ZhangYunchenY/BetterFs.

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