
Background: Areca-nut (AN) and added smokeless-tobacco (SLT) are considered agents that may cause addiction to betel-quid (BQ). However, the primary addictive substance in AN is not clearly understood. Objective: The present review evaluates possible addictive chemicals in AN with their mechanisms of action for progression to BQ dependence, as it is essential to overcome barriers in BQ cessation. It also identifies innovative treatment modalities in BQ cessation including the scope for research on pharmacotherapy using Monoamine-oxidase Inhibitors, Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitors and Norepinephrine Dopamine Reuptake Inhibitors. Methods: This is a narrative review on addictive properties of BQ and trials undertaken to promote cessation of SLT or AN use. Results: Twenty interventional studies, three by behavioral therapy and seventeen using pharmacotherapy were reviewed. There was heterogeneity in reported follow up times, most studies reporting data at 12 weeks with abstinence rates of 45–55% for SLT cessation and at 8 weeks with abstinence rates around 35% for AN cessation. Conclusion: Even though literature reveals a few cessation programs through behavioral support for BQ addiction, its success has been limited in certain instances mainly due to addictive properties of AN, resulting in withdrawal and relapse. Hence, in line with pharmacotherapy in tobacco smoking cessation, potential pharmacological agents to assist in cessation of SLT and AN require more attention. Several clinical trials for SLT cessation have been carried out with varying levels of success using Nicotine Replacement Therapy and Varenicline while trials on antidepressants for SLT and AN cessation are also emerging.

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