
The spread of beta-lactamase-producing bacteria is a global public-health concern. This study aimed to explore the distribution of beta-lactamases reported in three sampling sources (cecal, retail meat, and human) collected as part of integrated surveillance in the United States. We retrieved and analyzed data from the United States National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring Systems (NARMS) from 2002 to 2021. A total of 115 beta-lactamase genes were detected in E. coli, Salmonella enterica, Campylobacter, Shigella and Vibrio: including 35 genes from cecal isolates, 32 genes from the retail meat isolates, and 104 genes from the human isolates. Three genes in E. coli (blaCMY-2,blaTEM-1A, and blaTEM-1B), 6 genes in Salmonella enterica (blaCARB-2, blaCMY-2, blaCTXM-65, blaTEM-1A, blaTEM-1B, and blaHERA-3), and 2 genes in Campylobacter spp. (blaOXA-61 and blaOXA-449) have been detected across food animals (cattle, chicken, swine, and turkey) and humans over the study period. blaCTXM-55 has been detected in E. coli isolates from the four food animal sources while blaCTXM-15 and blaCTXM-27 were found only in cattle and swine. In Salmonella enterica, blaCTXM-2, blaCTXM-9, blaCTXM-14, blaCTXM-15, blaCTXM-27, blaCTXM-55, and blaNDM-1 were only detected among human isolates. blaOXAs and blaCARB were bacteria-specific and the only beta-lactamase genes detected in Campylobacter spp. and Vibrio spp respectively. The proportions of beta-lactamase genes detected varies from bacteria to bacteria. This study provided insights on the beta-lactamase genes detected in bacteria in food animals and humans in the United States. This is necessary for better understanding the molecular epidemiology of clinically important beta-lactamases in one health interface.

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