
AbstractThe proton-rich isotope 56 Cu was produced at the GSI On-Line Mass Separator by means ofthe 28 Si( 32 S, p3n) fusion–evaporation reaction. Its β -decay properties were studied by detecting β -delayed γ rays and protons. A half-life of 93± 3 ms was determined for 56 Cu. Compared to theprevious work, six new γ rays and three new levels were assigned to the daughter nucleus 56 Ni. Themeasured Gamow–Teller strength values for five 56 Ni levels are compared toshell-model predictions.  2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved. PACS: 21.10.-k; 23.40.-s; 21.60.Cs; 27.40.+zKeywords: R ADIOACTIVITY 56 Cu ( β + ) [from 28 Si( 32 S, p3n)]; Measured E γ , I ; Deduced β -intensity and β -strength distribution; 56 Ni deduced levels J,π ; On-line mass separation; Plastic scintillation detectors; Gedetectors. N UCLEAR STRUCTURE 56 Ni; Calculated levels; Gamow–Teller strength; S HELL MODEL * Corresponding author.E-mail address:e.roeckl@gsi.de (E. Roeckl). 1 Present address: Instituut voor Kern- und Stralingsfysica, University of Leuven, B-3001 Leuven, Belgium.

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