
beta-Casein gene expression in mammary epithelial cells is under the control of the lactogenic hormones, glucocorticoids, insulin, and prolactin. The hormonal control affects gene transcription, and several regulatory elements in the beta-casein gene promoter between positions -80 and -221 have previously been identified. A region located in the promoter between positions -170 and -221 contains overlapping sequences for negative and positive regulatory elements. A sequence-specific single-stranded DNA-binding factor (STR), composed of two proteins with molecular masses of 35 and 54 kDa, recognizes the upper strand of this region and has a repressing role in transcription. High-level STR binding activity was observed in nuclear extracts from mammary glands of pregnant and postlactating mice and from noninduced HC11 mammary epithelial cells, cells with a low level of transcriptional activity of the beta-casein gene. STR activity is downregulated in mammary epithelial cells during lactation of the animals and after lactogenic hormone induction of HC11 cells in culture. These cells strongly transcribe the beta-casein gene. We investigated the mechanism of downregulation and found that a lactogenic-hormone-induced molecule (I-STR) inhibits STR from binding to its DNA target. I-STR is composed of RNA. STR is sequestered into the cytoplasm by I-STR after lactogenic hormone induction of mammary epithelial cells and remains present in an RNA-bound form. A high-affinity STR binding site was found in the 5' untranslated region of beta-casein mRNA. We propose that beta-casein mRNA can function as I-STR. beta-Casein mRNA may positively regulate its own transcription by translocating STR from the nucleus to the cytoplasm. The beta-casein STR binding sequence increases expression of a transfected beta-galactosidase gene when it is placed into the 5' untranslated region sequence of the mRNA. STR may have a positive role in posttranscriptional regulation.

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