
BACKGROUND: Bet v 1 family identified as one major plant food allergen class, is highly homologous to pathogenesis-related protein 10 (PR-10), but its biological function involved in disease resistance is still unclear. OBJECTIVE: This study aims to investigate whether Bet v 1 potential allergens participate in the resistance of berry crops against fungal pathogen. METHODS: Allergenicity of Bet v 1 proteins in strawberry (Fragaria) was evaluated by bioinformatics methods. Their expression in response to anthracnose and between susceptible and resistance varieties was analyzed. RESULTS: 19 Bet v 1 homologous proteins were identified and 15 of them were considered as allergen candidates. RNA-seq analysis indicated most of these Fra a 1s expressed in fruits could be largely induced by the invasion of anthracnose pathogen Colletotrichum. The mRNA level of fruit major allergen Fra a 1.05 in the resistant variety Shenyang (SY) was 20∼50 fold higher compared with those in the susceptible cultivar and two diploid wild species. Immunoblotting using Birch (Betula pendula) Bet v 1 allergen-specific IgG antibody confirmed the large-scale accumulation of potential cross-reactive antigens in SY fruit. CONCLUSIONS: Strawberry Bet v 1 potential allergens exhibit their correspondence with anthracnose resistance that might be instructive to future breeding strategies.

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