
The use of mobile learning is becoming increasingly widespread among university teachers, thanks to its many benefits. Moreover, its application is associated with good teaching practices. The aim of this study is to analyse the development of good teaching practices in the use of m-learning by university teachers from the Department of Didactics of Language and Literature, as well as to identify the factors that influence the development of best practices. The research method developed is based on a transversal design. 110 teachers from the Department of Language and Literature Didactics participated in the study. The instrument used is the scale of Analysis of M-learning practices at the University (APMU). The results show that more than half of the teachers use the teaching method based on mobile learning. It can be concluded that in the development of best practices, gender is not influential, but age and teaching experience are.  In addition, personal concern and experience in the use of mobile devices by teachers is a key factor in the appropriate development of the m-learning method.


  • The inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in society is a clear reality today (HINOJO-LUCENA et al, 2020), influencing directly and indirectly work, social, educational and personal life (MORENO-GUERRERO et al, 2020)

  • The use of ICT in education is endorsed by the European Commission’s Digital Agenda 2020 (DÍAZ-GARCÍA et al, 2020), and the Horizon Reports, which promote and indicate trends related to the inclusion of mobile devices in educational processes, among other aspects (DE PABLOS; LLORENT-VAQUERO, 2020)

  • There is a growing demand for the application of active teaching methods (MORENO-GUERRERO et al, 2020), many of which are associated with the use of ICT in training processes (MAKONYE, 2020), with the use of mobile devices as a means of promoting the acquisition of content (DÍAZ-LÓPEZ et al, 2020)

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The inclusion of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in society is a clear reality today (HINOJO-LUCENA et al, 2020), influencing directly and indirectly work, social, educational and personal life (MORENO-GUERRERO et al, 2020). M-learning has a series of characteristics that make its use in the educational field attractive, such as the use of mobile technology, which generates the intrinsic development of digital competence (SHODIPE; OHANU, 2021); it promotes functional learning, making the student learn what he or she is really interested in (CURUM; KHEDO, 2021); it is flexible, as it allows learning from any place and at any time (HWANG; CHANG, 2021); it promotes self-learning, due to the instantaneous access to information (SHUKLA, 2021); it generates objective learning, due to the possibility of contracting the various information provided on the same subject (AL-SIYABI; DIMITRIADI, 2020); and it generates motivation and interest towards learning (SEIFERT; HAR-PAZ, 2020) The use of this teaching method has a number of advantages, including the possibility of learning anywhere and at any time (NIKOLOPOULOU et al, 2021), promotes instant interaction between all educational agents involved (SWANSON, 2020), encourages collaborative learning and cooperative learning (MITRA, 2020), promotes exploratory learning (KUMAR; SHARMA, 2020), improves student academic performance (KAROUI et al, 2020), increases creativity (BUABENG-ANDOH, 2021) and facilitates language learning (WANG et al, 2020). The success of their implementation depends on students’ expectations regarding effort, academic performance, expectations, confidence and selfmanagement of learning (CHAO, 2019)

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