
Abstract Introduction A survey was conducted in the frame of the EU HEALTHY GATEWAYS joint action with the purpose to identify best practices implemented at designated points of entry-ports of EU Member States for: core capacities implementation; detection, surveillance and management of public health events; vector surveillance and control practices at ports; contingency planning; risk communication; and inspection of ships for vectors. Methodology A questionnaire was disseminated to the EU Member States designated partners of the joint action. “Best practices” were considered those which fulfilled the following four criteria: a) practices are implemented according to the International Health Regulations (2005) requirements for core capacities; b) practices are documented and legislated/formalised; c) staff have been trained in implementing the documented practices; d) practices have been tested with exercises or have been applied in real life events. Results Data were collected from 15 ports of 13 countries including eight designated ports and one that that designation has not been completed. Best practices were described for medical services including diagnostic facilities, training programmes, exercise for testing contingency plans, staff competency frameworks, equipment and health measures implementation. Standard Operating Procedures and national legal frameworks were collected. Conclusions Despite the progress that has been made in the IHR core capacities implementation, it seems that best practices exist based on the countries priorities and needs. There are not many examples of PoE implementing best practices in all areas of the survey. Achievement of core capacities is a continuing effort and exchange of best practices among EU MS can be beneficial.

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