
Los tangos son uno de los palos más conocidos y reconocidos del universo flamenco. Su versatilidad les ha permitido adaptarse a diferentes enfoques, confiriéndoles de este modo la posibilidad de adherirse a una amplia variedad de estéticas sin perder por ello sus señas de identidad. Este artículo pretende dar a conocer, analizando sus aspectos más relevantes, una de mis más recientes composiciones, unos tangos flamencos sinfónicos, Beso mediterráneo, escritos originalmente para clarinete solo y arreglados para banda de música. "Tangos flamencos" are one of the best known and recognized flamenco music styles. Thanks to its versatility and since the first appearance of tangos in history, many of them have been adapted in many different ways without losing their main characteristics. This article has been written to speaks about Mediterranean kiss, a symphonic tangos flamencos for concert band. Although they were originally written for solo clarinet, the composer has just orchestrated this piece for symphony band. For getting a better understanding of the mentioned work, this article will analyse many of the most relevant aspects of this band music composition.

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