
Bertram Goodhue was undisputed eclectic synthesist of his generation in America. His wide repertory included elements from Gothic, Spanish, and Classical styles to create such landmark buildings as St. Thomas's church in New York, National Academy of Science in Washington, and Nebraska State Capitol which Henry-Russell Hitchcock called the most innovative state capitol built in twentieth century. Goodhue's Church of St. Bartholomew in New York and his Central Library in Los Angeles are currently focus of heated preservation debates.This book goes beyond stock characterizations of Goodhue as a derivative architect or protomodernist. It shows Goodhue as a talented exemplar of free eclectism of late nineteenth century, an innovator who freshly interpreted traditional forms. The author discusses Goodhue's early career during which he displayed a remarkable skill in draftsmanship and decorative design, as well as his later search for new directions after impact of Scott's Liverpool Cathedral stimulated him to reevaluate function of tradition in contemporary practice.The author is a registered architect who practices out of his own firm, Richard Oliver Architects, in New York. He has taught at Columbia University, was Curator of Architecture and Design at Cooper-Hewitt Museum for several years, and is author of two previous books, Drawing and America's Grand Resort Hotels. This is included in Architectural History Foundation's American Monograph Series.

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