
Pre-training based approaches have been demonstrated effective for a wide range of natural language processing tasks. Leveraging BERT for neural machine translation (NMT), which we refer to as BERT-enhanced NMT, has received increasing interest in recent years. However, there still exists a research gap in studying how to maximize the utilization of BERT for NMT tasks. Firstly, previous studies mostly focus on utilizing BERT’s last-layer representation, neglecting the linguistic features encoded by the intermediate layers. Secondly, it requires further architectural exploration to integrate the BERT representation with the NMT encoder/decoder layers efficiently. And thirdly, existing methods keep the BERT parameters fixed during training to avoid the catastrophic forgetting problem, wasting the chances of boosting the performance via fine-tuning. In this paper, we propose BERT-JAM to fill the research gap from three aspects: 1) we equip BERT-JAM with fusion modules for composing BERT’s multi-layer representations into a fused representation that can be leveraged by the NMT model, 2) BERT-JAM utilizes joint-attention modules to allow the BERT representation to be dynamically integrated with the encoder/decoder representations, and 3) we train BERT-JAM with a three-phase optimization strategy that progressively unfreezes different components to overcome catastrophic forgetting during fine-tuning. Experimental results show that BERT-JAM achieves state-of-the-art BLEU scores on multiple translation tasks.

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