
<h3>Lengthening of the Medical Course</h3> Through a decree of the federal council, the medical course has been modified. Beginning with June 1, 1928, the premedical course will comprise five instead of four semesters, and the complete medical course will thus cover eleven in place of ten semesters. After that date, only students who have studied medicine for eleven semesters, at least five of which must have followed the passing of the premedical examination, will be admitted to the final medical examination. After eleven semesters' medical study, the medical examination in accordance with the regulations of July 5, 1924, must be taken. <h3>The Increase in Cancer and Heart Disease</h3> The Federal Bureau of Health has just published the report of the Federal Bureau of Statistics on the vital statistics of the 350 communes of Germany with 15,000 or more population in 1926. The report covers about 27,000,000 inhabitants, or five twelfths

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