
Individually acquired activities of the central nervous system. these are the same conditioned reflexes. However, Beritov does not agree in many respects with Pavlov, criticizes the teaching of Pavlov's conditioned reflexes, finding, for example, that Pavlov's teaching is hypothetical, that it sharply diverges from the data of general physiology, and therefore, instead of conditioned reflexes, he speaks individually acquired or simply individual reflexes ... In the preface, Beritov confesses his old mistakes and says that his present book is a revision of his German monograph: Ueber die individuell erworbene Tatigkeit des zeutralen Nervensystems, published in 1927 in journal f. Psychol, u. Neurol. T. 33. from the point of view of dialectical materialism. Earlier, Beritov was mechanistic and identified the science of behavior with the doctrine of reflexes. Now he strictly distinguishes between the one and the other. The subject of the science of behavior is not reflexes, but isolated acts of any organ or complex of organs, but the activity of the whole organism as a whole; reflexes are the elements that make up behavior by combining them into a single act of adaptation of the whole organism to the external environment.

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