
On a compact Kahler manifold $X$, Toeplitz operators determine a deformation quantization $(\operatorname{C}^\infty(X, \mathbb{C})[[\hbar]], \star)$ with separation of variables [10] with respect to transversal complex polarizations $T^{1, 0}X, T^{0, 1}X$ as $\hbar \to 0^+$ [15]. The analogous statement is proved for compact symplectic manifolds with transversal non-singular real polarizations [13]. In this paper, we establish the analogous result for transversal singular real polarizations on compact toric symplectic manifolds $X$. Due to toric singularities, half-form correction and localization of our Toeplitz operators are essential. Via norm estimations, we show that these Toeplitz operators determine a star product on $X$ as $\hbar \to 0^+$.

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