
Every human being wants salvation in this world and the hereafter, Allah sub-anahu wa ta'ālaaate has made the Qur'an as a guide for the way of his salvation. The phenomenon of joking or joking is often one of the causes of divisions and gaps between people. The jokes that should be used to strengthen unity and increase harmony in brotherhood actually lead to division and hostility, because the jokes are not in accordance with religious demands, and there is a misunderstanding about the true nature of jokes. The Qur'an explains and mentions the actions of people. In the past in joking, as one of the lessons and understandings that can be taken in joking, through this research the author will discuss the verses of joking with the library research method, with a descriptive analysis explanation. Joking in the Qur'an is mentioned in the word lahwun which is repeated eleven times with different siyaq. From the analysis of the joking verses that have been carried out, the author concludes that joking or joking is a word or deed with the aim of seeking pleasure that has positive and negative impacts that can distract a person from remembering Allah and following his path.

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