
Parasitological investigations on 40 gulls ( Larus), 15 eiders ( Somateria) and some birds of shelduck ( Tadorna), curlew ( Numenius), oystercatcher ( Haematopus) and terns ( Sterna) resulted all in all 7 coccidia and about 76 helminth species, partly residenting in different hosts and often in enormous quantities ( Somateria 160.000, Tadorna 58.000, Larus 62.000, Numenius 93.000). Effects of helminthal loads upon the avian hosts, biology of parasites and correlations between their coastal and inland places of residence are in discussion. Morphological differences of Psilochasmus in Tadorna tadorna, of Gymnophallus from gallbladders of Larus too, furthermore the structural change of egg-forming Gymnophallida in the gut of Somateria mollissima and coccid oocysts from kidneys of Larus argentatus, Haematopus ostralegus, Tadorna tadorna and Somateria mollissima are showed.

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