
Bedhaya dance is a dance that lives and grows in the palace environment. Bedhaya is a form of sacred dance in the palace, especially in Java. This bedhaya dance is performed at official palace events. Bedhaya dance is a form of group dance which is usually danced by nine female dancers. Bedhaya dance is still preserved in the Yogyakarta and Surakarta palaces. This study reveals two problems, namely how the process of creating the Bedhaya Kawung dance and how the form of the Bedhaya Kawung dance by M.G Sugiyarti. This research is qualitative using a choreographic approach, the method used is descriptive analysis. to dissect the problem of the process of creating Bedhaya Kawung dance works from BPH. Suryodiningrat to dissect the problem of his dance form using the theory from RM. Soedarsono. The results of the study show that the process of creating the Bedhaya Kawung dance has three stages, namely: the background of the Bedhaya Kawung dance, ideas or ideas, the rules for the preparation of the Yogyakarta-style Bedhaya Kawung dance. The source of the Bedhaya Kawung dance moves using the Yogyakarta style. the music used is a set of gamelan tuning pelog, drums and trumpets. The make-up used is beautiful, while the clothes used are sleeveless vests and cloth motifs with a kawung motif. the pattern of working on the motion of the Bedhaya Kawung dance which has been developed according to the pattern of working on dance moves.

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