
Polychaeta represents the most diverse class in the phylum Annelida, mainly composed by marine organisms, with some terrestrial and freshwater representatives. The present work records the information of the benthic polychaetes, which were collected in four stations in the northern sector of the Antarctic Peninsula, in the III Expedición “Admiral Padilla” verano austral 2016-2017, including taxonomy, relative abundance and frequency of occurrence by family. A total of 326 individuals were quantified, distributed in 12 families: Apistobranchidae, Capitellidae, Cirratulidae, Dorvilleidae, Maldanidae, Nereididae, Orbiniidae, Paraonidae, Serpulidae, Sigalionidae, Spionidae and Syllidae, and the suborder Terebelliformia. Cirratulidae, and Paraonidae were predominant in terms of abundance and frequency. A previous taxonomic analysis has shown morphological variability in the families Cirratulidae, Dorvilleidae, Maldanidae, Paraonidae and Syllidae, and the suborder Terebelliformia. The samples were processed, and deposited at the Marine Natural History Museum of Colombia (MHNMC) – Makuriwa from the Marine and Coastal Research Institute “José Benito Vives de Andréis - Invemar.

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