
The most notable trend in the sedimentary iron isotope record is a shift at the end of the Archean from highly variable δ56 Fe values with large negative excursions to less variable δ56 Fe values with more limited negative values. The mechanistic explanation behind this trend has been extensively debated, with two main competing hypotheses: (i) a shift in marine redox conditions and the transition to quantitative iron oxidation; and (ii) a decrease in the signature of microbial iron reduction in the sedimentary record because of increased bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). Here, we provide new insights into this debate and attempt to assess these two hypotheses by analyzing the iron isotope composition of siderite concretions from the Carboniferous Mazon Creek fossil site. These concretions precipitated in an environment with water column oxygenation, extensive sediment pile dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) but limited bacterial sulfate reduction (BSR). Most of the concretions have slightly positive iron isotope values, with a mean of 0.15‰ and limited iron isotope variability compared to the Archean sedimentary record. This limited variability in an environment with high DIR and low BSR suggests that these conditions alone are insufficient to explain Archean iron isotope compositions. Therefore, these results support the idea that the unusually variable and negative iron isotope values in the Archean are due to dissimilatory iron reduction (DIR) coupled with extensive water column iron cycling.

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