
The invasive ascidian, Didemnum sp. A, first appeared in New England bays and harbors in the early 1990s, and in the waters around Cape Cod in 1993. While ship traffic was the likely vector introducing the species, its origin and precise date and location of its introduction are presently unknown. Colony surfaces of Didemnum sp. A appear very clean and not favorable substrates for epibiota settlement, but closer inspection revealed the presence of benthic foraminifera. During 2003 and 2004, 52 samples of Didemnum sp. A and other ascidians were collected to determine whether or not the foraminiferal assemblages might also be non-native and thus provide a potential clue to the place of origin of Didemnum sp. A. Sample locations included the New England coast from Connecticut to Maine (with a concentration in the Cape Cod area), northern California, Zeeland, The Netherlands, and Shakespeare Bay, New Zealand. From New England samples, 18 species of benthic foraminifera were identified. The most common species represented were Cornuspira involvens, C. planorbis, Elphidium galvestonense, E. margaritaceum, Glabratellina lauriei, Miliolinella subrotunda, Quinqueloculina bicornis, and Rosalina floridana. Foraminiferal assemblages on Didemnum sp. A from other regions sampled were composed of the same cosmopolitan species found in New England, plus other species which were indigenous to each region. Because no exotic foraminifera species were found it is concluded that Didemnum sp. A likely did not introduce non-native foraminifera originating from their native habitats into the New England region.

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