
Summary A detailed multi-disciplinary research program was conducted at the Mauritanian oxygen minimum zone (OMZ). Investigations were primarily performed along a depth transect at 18°20’ N. In this area upwelling of cold, nutrient-rich deep water is strongly seasonal, predominating from April until December. Major aim was to advance understanding of how OMZs are maintained and to determine feedbacks of benthic nutrient release on the currently expanding Mauritanian OMZ under such conditions. Major focus was on (i) variability of benthic nutrient release in response to hydrodynamic forcing and regional differences in geochemistry, (ii) diapycnal and advective fluxes of nutrients, trace metals, and radio-tracer between the sediments and the stratified interior ocean as well as their entrainment into the surface mixed layer and (iii) processes involved in the respective benthic and pelagic N, Fe, and P cycles. The working program in the water column comprised a total of 73 CTD casts, 38 microstructure CTD- and 17 in situ pump deployments. Moorings and Glider were deployed at 18°20’ N and 19°50’ N. Furthermore, in the northern working area ADCP-transects and casts of Underway CTDs were conducted to follow upwelling-induced frontal systems. In situ benthic fluxes of nutrients and oxygen were conducted using the Biogeochemical Observatories BIGO I and BIGO II comprising a total of 9 deployments. Further sediment samples for biogeochemical, investigations were obtained during the deployment of 22 casts of a video guided Multiple Corer (MUC). All deployments were successful and the envisaged data and samples were collected.

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