
Introduction:Infection with Helicobacter pylori is a worldwide problem. It plays an important role in gastric malignancies.The pathogenesis of gastric malignancies involves multistep progression changes in gastric mucosaand the Helicobacter pylori infections is the first step in most of cases.Aim:The aims of this study were to clarify the benign changes in gastric mucosa after Helicobacter pylori infection;to evaluate the endoscopic and histological patterns of infection and to correlate endoscopic findingwith histopathological parameters.Materials and Methods:A descriptive, retrospective study was done in Soba University Hospital between January 2009 - February2013. Paraffin-embedded blocks, Giemsa and Haematoxylin and Eosin-stained slides, were obtained from50 cases of Helicobacter pylori-associated chronic gastritis and examined under light microscopy. Theclinical information and endoscopy findings were obtained from the records. The data was analyzed usingStatistical Package for Social Sciences Software.Results:The most common affected age group was between 40-60 years. The prevalence of infection was equal inmales and females. The commonest endoscopic finding was inflammation of gastric mucosa. Most patientspresented with moderate degree of colonization; 62% of patients presented with a severe degree of chronicinflammation. There was a significant statistical correlation between the degree of Helicobacter pylori colonizationand the degree of chronic inflammation (p<0.05). Most patients presented with severe degree ofactive gastritis. A significant correlation was found between the degree of chronic inflammation and degreeof activity. The prevalence of lymphoid follicles in a single biopsy specimen from antral mucosa was 36%.The dysplasia was seen in 12%; eosinophilia 8%; atrophy 8% and intestinal metaplasia in 6% of the cases.No significant correlation was found between the endoscopic findings and histological findings.Conclusion:Helicobacter pylori infection causes chronic active gastritis and it has a role in the development of lymphoidfollicles, intestinal metaplasia, atrophy and dysplasia.

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