
The article discusses features manifestations of benign dysplasia remaining contralateral breast in patients with triple negative and Her2/neopositive breast cancer (BC) after a comprehensive treatment based on the results of mammography and ultrasound evaluation.Materials and methods. A sample of 43 people was divided according to biological types of breast cancer into two groups: I (n = 17) and II (n = 26). All patients underwent mammography in two projections and an ultrasound with the calculation of the thickness glandular component and the echo density of the parenchyma.Results. In all patients with breast cancer, benign changes in the remaining contralateral mammary gland of varying severity were noted: prevalence of cystic‑fibrous form — subgroup I (n = 17); subgroup II (n = 14) prevalence of the fibrocystic component; subgroup III (n = 12) was evaluated as a mixed glandular‑fibrous form of benign dysplasia remaining contralateral breast. An excess of the normal thickness of the glandular component was found: subgroup I Mc = 34.3 ± 2.1 mm; subgroup II M = 24.4 ± 3.3 mm; subgroup III M = 28.2 ± 1.7 mm. The echo density of the parenchyma of the remaining mammary contralateral gland also exceeded the reference values in all patients: subgroup I M = 34.1 ± 2.5 cu, subgroup II M = 42.3 ± 2.3 cu, subgroup III M = 37.5 ± 1.7 cu. After phytoprevention and phytotherapy with the herbal homeopathic medicine Mastopol®, 1 tablet 3 times a day under the tongue for 12 weeks, there was a positive dynamics in the antiproliferative status of the respondents. In all subgroups, a decrease in the mammographic density of the mammary gland was found. The glandular component and the echo density of the mammary parenchyma decreased according to the results of ultrasound. In the subgroup, the pancreatic component reached М = 23.4 ± 2.3 mm; in subgroup II М = 17.5 ± 2.4 mm; in subgroup III М = 20.3 ± 1.7 mm. Echo density: in the subgroup I М = 27.3 ± 3.1 cu; in subgroup II М = 31.6 ± 1.9 cu; in subgroup III М 21.4 ± 2.3 cu.Conclusions. All breast cancer patients, regardless of the molecular subtype of the tumor, have benign changes in the contralateral mammary gland. The medicinal homeopathic complex can be considered a pathogenetically substantiated method for the prevention and treatment of DDM. The use of a herbal medicinal homeopathic remedy for the intended purpose (according to the instructions for the drug) of benign dysplasia remaining contralateral breast therapy for 12 weeks has a positive effect on the breast tissue, reducing mammorgafic density, reducing the glandular component of the mammary gland.


  • Summary The article discusses features manifestations of benign dysplasia remaining contralateral breast in patients with triple negative and Her2/ neopositive breast cancer (BC) after a comprehensive treatment based on the results of mammography and ultrasound evaluation

  • A sample of 43 people was divided according to biological types of breast cancer into two groups: I (n = 17) and II (n = 26)

  • After phytoprevention and phytotherapy with the herbal homeopathic medicine Mastopol®, 1 tablet 3 times a day under the tongue for 12 weeks, there was a positive dynamics in the antiproliferative status of the respondents

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Резюме В статье рассмотрены особенности проявлений доброкачественной дисплазии оставшейся контралатеральной молочной железы (ДДМЖ) у больных тройным негативным и Her2/neo-позитивным раком молочной железы (РМЖ) после проведенного комплексного лечения на основе результатов маммографической и ультразвуковой оценки. У всех больных РМЖ отмечены доброкачественные изменения в оставшейся контралатеральной молочной железе различной степени выраженности: преобладание кистозно-фиброзной формы в подгруппе I (n = 17); в подгруппе II (n = 14) — превалирование фиброзно-кистозного компонента; в подгруппе III (n = 12) — смешанной железисто-фиброзной формы ДДМЖ. Эхоплотность паренхимы оставшейся молочной контралатеральной железы также превышала референсные значения у всех больных: в подгруппе I Мср = 34,1 ± 2,5 у.

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