
A CASE OF benign duodenocolic fistula is presented chiefly because of its rarity, it being the eighth recorded case in the literature covering the period since 1885. It is interesting that seven of the eight patients reported on have survived operation and recovered. The first case, reported by Rees1in 1933, was that of a duodenocolic fistula associated with an incompetent sphincter of Oddi. It was thought that the fistula developed as a result of perforation from a typhoid ulcer 28 years previously. Recovery was complete after operation. McPeak2reported two cases in 1940. The first patient survived for six years after closure of the fistula. Though no tissue was removed for microscopic examination, the lesion was likely benign. The second patient died on the twelfth postoperative day from peritonitis. Autopsy confirmed the clinical impression of a benign fistula. It was thought that both patients had had a

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