
ABSTRACT This poster session will present the benefits of 3D visualization as applied directly to reservoir simulation pre-processing and post-processing. Scientific or 3D visualization has been traditionally used for architectural engineering, finite-element analysis and computational fluid dynamics running on CRAY super computers. With the recent improvements in computer performance, 3D visualization systems can now be operate practically on graphic workstations such as the HP/Apollo, IBM RS/6000s and Silicon Graphics. It can be difficult to visualize three-dimensional flow through porous media based upon a two-dimensional representation of the actual three-dimensional flow. Add a highly faulted structure upon the porous media and the three-dimensional flow becomes even more difficult to assimilate. Furthermore, reservoir engineers are constantly asked to review more production scenarios or alternatives in shorter periods of time thereby necessitating their need for more effective ways to interpret their simulation results. The need to transform the vast amounts of simulation results into easily understood images is crucial to improving our effectiveness. Highlights of achieved benefits as well as current problems with 3D visualization approaches to understanding reservoir simulation results will be shown.

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