
This study was performed to analyze the problem of bus shelter design in Egypt, and achieving the principle of sustainability and the use of renewable energy to become sustainable , energy saving outdoor furniture design, and the goal is to develop the design of bus station areas to achieve functional, ergonomic,technological and aesthetic dimension As the bus station or bus shelter are an important platform for publicizing the city’s image. The research dealt with alternative renewable energies, their types, and how to use them in outdoor furniture, through an analytical description that was applied to bus shelter. The research also dealt with the essence of sustainability and its most important principles, and the effective role of the interior and furniture designer towards his town locally and towards the world internationally in activating sustainable design was also clarified, as sustainable furniture design respects the environment and preserves resources through ecological design solutions. Environmentally manufactured and useful in outdoor furniture. Then the research dealt with an analysis of a bus shelter that achieves the principle of sustainability through raw materials and alternative energy, achieving human design, comfort for citizens and meeting their needs, and the sustainable furniture design movement to support and present these ideas and concepts to the user by providing modern sustainable designs that satisfy the needs of the Egyptian consumer. In terms of form and function, the design of the bus stop is not only a place for waiting, but also a space that reduces the boredom of waiting for buses, thus the design is not only limited to function but also to form and luxury in a sustainable way.

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