
<p>A population with an adequate immunity is key to reduce the effects of COVID-19. Moreover, a healthy diet and an innocuous environment are factors for an adequate immunity. Healthier and more innocuous foods could be obtained with the extensive use of beneficial organisms on agricultural crops, helping reduce the use of agrochemicals and increasing the tolerance of plants to stress caused by abiotic and biotic factors. Nitrogen-fixating bacteria or free-living bacteria, mycorrhizae, endosymbiotic microorganisms, endophytes, entomopathogenic fungi and bacteria, pest predators and parasitoids, hyper parasitic viruses of pests and pathogens are some of the organisms that can induce the natural suppression of parasites, fixate nitrogen and optimize the capture of nutrients and water, among other ecosystemic benefits. This revision presents functions and properties of beneficial organisms and proposals are made for their use to benefit farmers and consumers, with the intention of contributing to the productive processes towards a sustainable agriculture.</p>

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