
Atomic properties of S-like W are evaluated through a state-of-the-art method, namely, the multi-configuration Dirac-Hartree-Fock (MCDHF) method combined with the relativistic configuration interaction (RCI) approach. The level energies, wavelengths, and transition parameters involving the 88 lowest levels of W$^{+58}$ (W LIX) are calculated. We discuss in detail the relative importance of the valence- and core-valence electron correlation effects, the Breit interaction, the higher order retardation correction beyond the Breit interaction through the transverse photon interaction, and the quantum electrodynamical (QED) corrections. The present level energies are highly accurate, with uncertainties close to what can be achieved from spectroscopy. As such, they provide benchmark tests for other theoretical calculations of S-like W and should assist the spectroscopists in their assignment/identification of observed lines in complex spectra.

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