
The transport of fast ions in a beam-driven JT-60U tokamak plasma subject to resonant magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) mode activity is simulated using the so-called multi-phase method, where 4 ms intervals of classical Monte-Carlo simulations (without MHD) are interlaced with 1 ms intervals of hybrid simulations (with MHD). The multi-phase simulation results are compared to results obtained with continuous hybrid simulations, which were recently validated against experimental data (Bierwage et al., 2017). It is shown that the multi-phase method, in spite of causing significant overshoots in the MHD fluctuation amplitudes, accurately reproduces the frequencies and positions of the dominant resonant modes, as well as the spatial profile and velocity distribution of the fast ions, while consuming only a fraction of the computation time required by the continuous hybrid simulation. The present paper is limited to low-amplitude fluctuations consisting of a few long-wavelength modes that interact only weakly with each other. The success of this benchmark study paves the way for applying the multi-phase method to the simulation of Abrupt Large-amplitude Events (ALE), which were seen in the same JT-60U experiments but at larger time intervals. Possible implications for the construction of reduced models for fast ion transport are discussed.

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