
Automated ultrasound imaging assessment of the effect of CoronaVirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) on lungs has been investigated in various studies using artificial intelligence-based (AI) methods. However, an extensive analysis of state-of-the-art Convolutional Neural Network-based (CNN) models for frame-level scoring, a comparative analysis of aggregation techniques for video-level scoring, together with a thorough evaluation of the capability of these methodologies to provide a clinically valuable prognostic-level score is yet missing within the literature. In addition to that, the impact on the analysis of the posterior probability assigned by the network to the predicted frames as well as the impact of temporal downsampling of LUS data are topics not yet extensively investigated. This paper takes on these challenges by providing a benchmark analysis of methods from frame to prognostic level. For frame-level scoring, state-of-the-art deep learning models are evaluated with additional analysis of best performing model in transfer-learning settings. A novel cross-correlation based aggregation technique is proposed for video and exam-level scoring. Results showed that ResNet-18, when trained from scratch, outperformed the existing methods with an F1-Score of 0.659. The proposed aggregation method resulted in 59.51%, 63.29%, and 84.90% agreement with clinicians at the video, exam, and prognostic levels, respectively; thus, demonstrating improved performances over the state of the art. It was also found that filtering frames based on the posterior probability shows higher impact on the LUS analysis in comparison to temporal downsampling. All of these analysis were conducted over the largest standardized and clinically validated LUS dataset from COVID-19 patients.

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