
Two independent calculations of proton-deuteron elastic scattering observables including Coulomb repulsion between the two protons are compared in the proton laboratory energy region between 3 and 65 MeV. The hadron dynamics is based on the purely nucleonic charge-dependent AV18 potential. Calculations are done in both coordinate space and momentum space. The coordinate-space calculations are based on a variational solution of the three-body Schr\"odinger equation using a correlated hyperspherical expansion for the wave function. The momentum-space calculations proceed via the solution of the Alt-Grassberger-Sandhas equation using the screened Coulomb potential and the renormalization approach. Both methods agree to the order of 1% on all observables, showing the reliability of both numerical techniques in that energy domain. At energies below the three-body breakup threshold, the coordinate-space method remains favored; at energies higher than 65 MeV, the momentum-space approach seems to be more efficient.

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