
Clinicians at the bedside and researchers at the bench make the discoveries that shape the future of medicine. With this issue (p 1562),<i>JAMA</i>inaugurates a column of clinically oriented, basic science research in review. The column will permit physicians to glimpse the future of medicine and to gain a better understanding of the scientific basis of their practice. This new department, entitled BENCH AND BEDSIDE, reflects the relevance of basic science research to medical practice. It acknowledges the vital contributions that clinical and basic science research make to medicine. The following editorial principles will apply to all articles published in BENCH AND BEDSIDE: Columns will be focused reviews of important basic science work. The articles will emphasize highlights and major trends in medical research. They will not assume exhaustive archival functions that would make them unwieldy or impenetrable for the physician-reader. They will not attempt to cover vast expanses

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