
Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) projects in Tajikistan are significant due to Tajikistan's geostrategic importance in the region. Tajikistan has channeled its geo-strategic values and established diplomatic and economic relations with regional and extra-regional states. China and Tajikistan's diplomatic relations were started in 1997, which marked another milestone when countries resolved their border disputes bilaterally in 2021. Since China introduced its BRI, its existing diplomatic relations with Tajikistan have changed to close economic ties. Hence, it uplifted the pace of existing economic projects between China and Tajikistan, with the introduction of new projects, some branded as BRI projects, and others are complementing it. In this scenario, China through the BRI provides an opportunity for Pakistan and Tajikistan to enhance and strengthen their economic and diplomatic ties. Both Pakistan and Tajikistan need a great deal of cooperation for further progress of both states in contemporary times. It is important to identify the ongoing process in the region to pinpoint the future policy options for further development. This article analyzes the geostrategic importance of Tajikistan and its relations with regional and extra-regional states. It also focusses on the concluded, ongoing, and planned projects regarding enhancing the geostrategy of the states that are in line with the BRI. Further, it explores the existing Pakistan–Tajikistan relations and new prospects, along with the challenges in future prospects.

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