
ABSTRACT A labrid fish, Bellwoodilabrus landinii n. gen., n. sp., is described based on a single specimen collected from the Eocene locality of Monte Bolca, northern Italy. Bellwoodilabrus landinii n. gen., n. sp. is characterized by a prominent frontal relief, broad ethimoid-frontal depression, strongly developed supraoccipital crest, bar-like nasal, jaw teeth arranged in a single row, posterior preopercular margin apparently entire, rounded and molariform lower pharyngeal teeth, six branchiostegal rays, 24 (9+15) vertebrae, moderately reduced neural spine of the first vertebra, parhypurapophysis absent, XI + 9 dorsal fin elements, III + 9 anal fin elements and 12 pectoral-fin rays. The comparative analysis of morphological and meristic features reveals that Bellwoodilabrus landinii n. gen., n. sp. possesses a combination of plesiomorphic and derived features, which is unique within the Labridae. Bellwoodilabrus landinii n. gen., n. sp. represents the third valid species of the family Labridae described ...

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